Is Pamiba a registered comapany ?

Yes, the company is fully registered with the Corporate Affairs Commission.

When was Pamiba incorporated ?

The company was incorporated in September, 2021.

What is the vision of the company ?

To be the preferred technology company that provides top-notch information technology, energy and surveillance products and solutions with ease

What products do the company offer ?

The company offers a wide range of IT, Surveillance systems, Solar Energy, Access Control and Streets Lighting products.

What services do the company offer ?

The company is into sales, CCTV camera systems, solar energy, intercoms, access control,  installations, monitoring and maintenance services.

Can Pamiba carry out installation and maintenance job for clients outside Lagos ?

Yes, the company does not limit its operation to Lagos.  We are available for projects execution for existing and new customers in any part of Nigeria.

Any payment option ?

yes, there are easy payment spread plan for everyone depending on your choice system installation. 

Am I making any initial payment ?

Yes, you will be required to pay a part of the total project cost and the remaining amount will be spread between 6-12 month period for ease of payment

Am I paying interest during the payment period ?

Yes, but only on the outstanding balance after initial part payment of the total cost.  

Who can apply for the solar system installation offer ?

The offer is open to individuals, salary earners, business owners and corporate organizations with verifiable source of income.

What capacity of solar energy installations are available ?

Available sizes are, 1kva, 1.5kva, 2kva, 2.5kva, 3kva, 3.5kva, 5kva, 10kva, 20kva and 30kva

How can I apply for it ?

Simply click on the Get A Quotefill up the required information and submit.

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